Dear You, | Teen Ink

Dear You,

December 10, 2019
By AnnaMay02 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
AnnaMay02 SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear You,

You are like a rose in the thorn, and the shining stars in the night. You light my path like lanterns along the edge of the stone. You breathe life into me like wind through my hair. When your soft lips touch mine, I feel like a bird flying, not for fear of winter or rain, but for the thrill of being free. When I see your eye catch mine I feel complete where alone I am only a half.  You are my prince riding in on a white horse, saving me from living a lonely life only half of what I could be. You are like a dream come true or a childhood love story. Your arms are like shields, when they wrap around me they fend off any evil that intends to enforce harm upon me. When your fingers intertwine with mine like the sun grasping the sky by its rays to show its power, you display me as if I shine the same. You are not only my light like the sun, but you are my entire world and I couldn’t be more thankful for you. You are my guide, my light, my shield, my freedom, my whole, but most importantly you are my world. For you, my love, are my everything.

The author's comments:

Love in its true form. 

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