Honest Thoughts | Teen Ink

Honest Thoughts

September 4, 2019
By Anonymous

I watch the fan spinning above me,

it was moving so quickly that it was quivering. 

I had always been afraid to turn it on because of the fear that it would fall on me.

At the moment, I don’t seem to care.

I almost feel like I want it to fall.

Fall on my legs,

break my bones.

I want to go to a hospital. 

It’s not like I want to be diagnosed with a terminal illness 

or have to have neural surgery. 

I want something minor, like a broken bone or something.

I’ve never broken a bone before. 

The fan has started to make a new sound, 

Its shaking becoming more rapid.

I feel a flutter in my chest, 

I’m nervous. 

But I don’t make myself get up and turn the fan off. 

I just lay here. 

Hospitals are so carefree. 

You don’t have to worry about a thing, and all your absences are excused. 

I don’t think I’d only want to break a bone though,

like I said,

that's too minor.

I want something


I would want my stay to be


I could do schoolwork at the hospital. 

Is it bad to wish for a terminal illness? 

The fan is shaking much more violently now. 

I still haven’t moved.

It could cut me if it fell. 

That sounds painful. 

But I don’t make myself get up and turn the fan off. 

I just lay here.

You don’t have to worry when you’re in a hospital. 

Unless you’re a doctor.

I know it’s bad to think like that.To wish I was dying, 

when so many sick kids my age wish to be healthy like me.

It’s awful. 

I feel ungrateful for my 

perfect health 

and unbroken bones. 

My 20/20 vision, 

my nourished body. 

I can walk, 

I can speak, 

I can do anything I want to. 

What’s missing? 

My want to do anything. 

The fan is out of control. 

I know it's going to drop any minute. 

I don’t know how fans work, 

but I know that this one is old. 

I know that this one can fall. 

This one can crush me. 

The sound is much louder now.

A voice in my head tells me to get up. 

Another voice says that there’s nothing to be afraid of. 

Louder and louder. 




The rickety fan spins and spins. 

I stare up at it as if daring the fan to do what it has threatened to do for so long. 

Faster and faster. 




The rickety fan spins and spins. 

I know I’m running out of time to make a decision. 

But this time I make myself get up and turn the fan off. 

I lay back down

and stare up as the fan gradually 

slows to a stop.

Quiet fills the room. 

Silence is all I can hear.

The author's comments:

These were thoughts running in my head one day, and they are a good example of what I've been thinking recently. Obviously they aren't good thoughts, they're pretty messed up, but I needed to get them out so that's why I wrote this. I wrote it for me.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 9 2019 at 8:16 am
Starbird_Ferocity BRONZE, Cape Coral, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."

-Padme Amidala

wow i thought i was the only one who thought like this..... beautifully written