words | Teen Ink


June 28, 2019
By Anonymous

They are just words,

That is it.


Not knives to my skin.

Not thoughts in my heads.

They are just words that people tell me to keep themselves afloat.

Words, something I hear everyday.

Then why do they hurt so bad?

Why do they wrap around my neck like a noose that is pulling me away from the ground to quickly,

why does it grab my throat and laugh a laugh that chills me to my very bone?

why do they play in my head like an endless loop that I can't seem to stop?

.... why?

I think as my back slides against the wall,

my lungs not allowing me to breathe...


just.... why?

Just why do these words me hurt me so much?

The author's comments:

Bullies. It's a word we are fairly familiar with, some more then others. For some its a reality that we can't seem shake. A dream that we can't seem to wake up from. Or more accurately a Nightmare. A nightmare that plauges our very existence and drags us down to a place we thought not possible. I just want you to know, you are you. Your not ugly. Your not fat. Your not useless. Your not a liabilty. You are not worthless. You are not a waste of space. You have a reason to live, a reason to go through everyday and to live like it's your last. You have a reason, you may not have found it yet. But its sitting there,somewhere, waiting for you. Don't give up on it, and don't give up on yourself. You have a reason.

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