midas touch | Teen Ink

midas touch

May 1, 2019
By Rorie Dougherty BRONZE, Homewood, Illinois
Rorie Dougherty BRONZE, Homewood, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

i have a gift

cursed- not blessed

i do not have gold

and beauty

i have rust



i ruin everything i touch

bring it down with me

burn it

trash it

like it never existed before

feelings are crashing like waves

and hearts are torn into such tiny pieces

there no hope to mend the break

a break i caused

i put my cursed hands

on such delicate roses

they shrivel and die

i put my cursed hands

on such lovely memories

they twist and bury away

i put my cursed hands

on such beauty that friendships had

and turned them into chaos



i put my cursed hands

on myself

since that’s already ruin

a monster that was born

wreaks havoc upon everything

and everyone

i can make myself


i can allow for a better

midas touch to touch

the world

The author's comments:

I am a person of mistakes. I make a lot and they tend to hurt people that I have friendships with. I ruined some friendships and this is like an ode to my sorrows.

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