American Reality | Teen Ink

American Reality

February 19, 2019
By highpoints64 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
highpoints64 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

American Reality

I’m from a family where bills and statements were paid on time

where savings grew and debt vanished

and lived near other tight-knit nuclear families the same.

I’m from a town where ignorance is bliss

and trapped in a narcissistic bubble

unaware (and unwilling to know) of the real world.

I’m from a country that endures for self-gain

and shallow for the general welfare

yet deep in inequality.

I’m not from a family that scrambles paycheck-to-paycheck

where debt increases and savings disappear

and the family structure slowly disintegrates

I’m not from a town that recognizes the harsh reality of the American Dream

where crime rises and education slumps

and tucked away uncaringly

I’m not from a country in which unity presides  

and living comfortably prevails

to the point of common happiness

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