Mirror | Teen Ink


December 14, 2018
By hainejung BRONZE, Cankaya, Ankara, Other
hainejung BRONZE, Cankaya, Ankara, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. ” —Oscar Wilde

I was scared to go here and there

but you whispered to my ear

with a voice so gentle yet

the words so courageous

That pushed me out

of where I wandered aimlessly

You believed in me

whether it is my illusion or not

We complement each other

like moonlight and a starry night

I was afraid to jump into the future

an ocean full of unknown tides,

creatures, secrets and deep sunk ships,

a new world veiled in disguise

But you told me not to be afraid

to dive into that ocean of unknown

You showed me not to dwell upon

consequences I could not foresee

I call you

my strength

The one that easily disappears

a particular part of me I see

only sometimes

but comes back for sure

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