Set Me Free | Teen Ink

Set Me Free

October 25, 2018
By sbarron8 BRONZE, Eubank, Kentucky
sbarron8 BRONZE, Eubank, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hope you don’t know what it’s like to be hurt by love,

To put all of your trust in one person,

Only to receive pain in return.

To see them walk in with a smile on their face,

Only to close the door,

And turn into a monster when no one is near.

I hope you don’t know what it feels like to be trapped,

In a love that was once my only comfort,

That has turned into a constant misery.

People ask why we stay with the abusers,

I tell them I would rather be,

Beat a couple of times a day,

Than to live on the streets, rotting away.

I hope you have never been scrutinized,

For something you can’t control,

By people who will never understand,

And sadly by the ones you love most.

But don’t give up hope,

There’s always a way out,

I should know I found it.

The author's comments:

I wrote this as a shifted perspective because I did a presentation on dating violence. So I have done a lot of research about the subject and read many stories of people who have been abused by the ones they love. I decided to take that and turn it into a poem so that others can see from that kind of perspective.

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