Popsicle | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By ptv_k BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
ptv_k BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes I can feel my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living." - Foer

My world has always been made up of five large walls:

The four that surround me in my room each day, and the one that so easily has always separated me from you.

Never have I wanted to demolish something so desperately in my life.

Never have I fought so hard to be heard through the drywall.

But all is silent to you;

my pleas fall on deaf ears.

I could stain this page I now write with my tears, which flow in shameless abundance just thinking of again attacking that wall.

Because all I’ve ever done is wage this war, so fiercely between myself and that barrier you keep up so tall.

If you would look down from that towering mass, see my tear-streaked face, feel my lifelong struggle, listen to my woes and fears,

Maybe then you would understand just how much

I love you.

But that love now has set my heart ablaze with rage- pure rage.

Rage at your stubbornness, rage at your ignorance, rage at your will to remain alone.

My whole life, my whole childhood, I have fought and waged and warred that wall in your mind- just longing to reach you. Longing to show you my love.

Because I was willing to love you when no one else was.

Even when they didn’t like you,

Even when I didn’t like you,

I loved. I fought. I kept on.

And now still it is you who seeks proof of my love. Of our love. Of anyone’s love.

When all I ever needed all this time was for you to prove your love

to me.

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