Wicked Touch | Teen Ink

Wicked Touch

October 24, 2018
By tabatha_rhymer BRONZE, Sciencehill, Kentucky
tabatha_rhymer BRONZE, Sciencehill, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You wrap your crooked fingers around my heart

Choosing when to squeeze

When to let go

You make me hurt

You make me feel

Your touch is ever so sensitive

Making every flinch noticeable

Your name is so overused

And very misunderstood

It took me being miserable

To figure you out

No matter how many years pass

No one will ever know the true you

I think many confuse you for lust

But you make my heart feel like rust

You break it into pieces

That you’ll try to repair

Just leave me alone

It’s only fair

The author's comments:

This piece is about love. It is meant to be very relatable and really hits to the heart.

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