The Closet | Teen Ink

The Closet

September 13, 2018
By Eyram BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
Eyram BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once again I find myself inside the Closet.

How did I get here in the first place?

It isn't fair.

I am younger than you.

Age doesn't give you the right

to lock me up alone.

I knew I would find myself here

I kept telling myself,

“I could hide from the Box.”

I can’t.

I can’t escape the Darkness

not by myself at least.

I can only scream in anger ,

Cry in anguish,

and whimper when my voice finally gives out.

Thank God, my three-year-old mind

finds adventure behind every closed door.

I am a princess held hostage  by wicked witches.

I am an explorer kidnapped by primitive forces.

I am a three-year-old trapped by her cousins.


The closed space gives me time

to travel into  my hyperactive self  

because in the darkness,

there is nothing to do, but wait,

until someone

realizes I am gone.

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