The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

June 26, 2018
By Anonymous

A vast memory of my childhood (Pure joy and excitement

Miles away from any stress

The game of the decade

Stars performing at their best!)   

هدف! هدف! Goal! Goal!


The opposite team had scored (Who would win the game?

Madrid won the last

Barca is stronger

Passion will be the decider)

نصف الوقت! Half Time!

Anticipation raised

                               Shouts and cheers

                 Silence broken

                                    Nerves in the air

But we wait (Restlessness took over as

Dreams filed my head

Goals from Barca

I prayed they won)

تستأنف اللعبة! The game resumes!

My heart froze, my mind raced (Could they lose?

Is this the end?

No, they have to


They have to)

No more goals

No more cheers

No more laughs

Only silence filled the air

خمس دقائق متبقية! Five Minutes Left!

A last second goal

The final whistle

Cheers and whoops

We had done it once more

A victory to remember

The author's comments:

This poem was meant to emulate Juan Felipe Herrera. The reason I chose this poet was because he writes in many different styles, not just one. He has written poems in lists, with large amounts of white space and some with no white space at all. He likes to use brackets to give hidden meaning and uses different types of punctuation to give his poems meaning. I like his poems since he can make poems light and funny or deep and meaningful, to give a stronger message/meaning. This makes almost all of his poems largly differnt from one another. 

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