The El Dorado | Teen Ink

The El Dorado

June 3, 2015
By nathidstar BRONZE, Perth, Other
nathidstar BRONZE, Perth, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a girl who was young and curious
She had longed to be an explorer
Dreaming of endless possibilities
A need to seek, a need to discover

Decisions were made that very same day
The girl had set sail for the land of gold
The sun shone happily onto the sea
Mysteries and secrets to be unfold

What could the girl discover on this trip?
Countless things, undreamt of and unknown
Perhaps the girl she had left behind
She'll find the El Dorado alone

Dazzling cities for a sea of deserts
Had she really made the right choice?
Coming on this dangerous adventure
Alone with not even a guiding voice

A train of thoughts rush into her mind
No doubt they're asking asking if she'll continue
She shakes her head and tells herself
This is her dream, it's what she wants to do

What could the girl discover on this trip?
Countless things, undreamt of and unknown
Perhaps the girl she had left behind
She'll find the El Dorado alone

Such faith placed on something that seemed hopeless
But she's convinced there's something to find
Nothing can be promised or confirmed
But if she fails, again she'll try and try

The hardships won't matter, there's a price
A step towards a new future awaits
She endure days of walking in the storm
Around this island she navigates

What could the girl discover on this trip?
Countless things, undreamt of and unknown
Perhaps the girl she had left behind
She'll find the El Dorado alone

The girl thought she had ran into some luck
A bright light shining, she thought she could see
It was all but a trick, there is no hope
The light vanishes, with it the key

Long days and nights have come and gone by
No sign of the light leaves her in despair
The girl considers leaving, giving up
This trip is a failure she can not bear

What could the girl discover on this trip?
Countless things, undreamt of and unknown
Perhaps the girl she had left behind
She'll find the El Dorado alone
Just as she's about to withdraw her plan
Her mother's words rang loudly in her ear
“Believe in yourself and you'll succeed,
I'll be proud of you regardless, my dear.”

As the girl gazes at the burning sun
She remembers her goal, her mission
Was she really giving up that quickly?
All that she had wanted, her ambitions

What could the girl discover on this trip?
Countless things, undreamt of and unknown
Perhaps the girl she had left behind
She'll find the El Dorado alone

A quiet whistle blew amongst the wind
What could produce such beautiful sound?
The soft whistle brushes past her again
A golden song tells her to find the crown

She closes her eyes, it becomes clearer
The girl vaguely sees her dreams drawing close
She can't forfeit now, she can't turn back
Unfrozen, she'll follow where the wind blows

What could the girl discover on this trip?
Countless things, undreamt of and unknown
Perhaps the girl she had left behind
She'll find the El Dorado alone

Throughout this dangerous journey
Obstacles kept rising, it wouldn't end
High waves of sand soared and crushed her dreams
But she kept fighting again and again

The girl reminded herself, “No pain no gain.”
It's become more than a solitary fight
She wants to prove those who doubted her wrong
And those who had strong faith in her right

What could the girl discover on this trip?
Countless things, undreamt of and unknown
Perhaps the girl she had left behind
She'll find the El Dorado alone

At last she sees the light that gave her hope
It spreads widely before the girl's sight
Under the same sky, she's found a new land
The legend in all its glory and might

Now the girl reaches the end of her path
A mysterious world from an adventure
Her self belief led to her success
The memories made she'll keep forever

What did the girl discover on this trip?
A land filled with riches, diamonds and stones
The capability she had deep down
She's found the El Dorado alone

The author's comments:

I had to write an Original Ballad for an English assignment. This is it, I thought it would be cool to publish it so here it is. Please do not plagiarise, it IS copyrighted and you will get into heaps of trouble ! :)

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