Frank Disco | Teen Ink

Frank Disco

April 1, 2014
By Anonymous

Allow me to tickle your fancy,
For just a few short lines,
I’d like to tell you a story,
The best of all the kinds.

His name was Frank Disco,
The manliest man I knew,
His funky, chunky way of life,
Would be too much for me, or you.

Frank was walking down the street,
With a boogie to his step,
When he spied with lustful eye,
A woman sick with strep.

He knew the kind of medicine,
This young woman needed,
It was time to get his boogie on,
Even if she had not conceded.

He whisked her away to the club that night,
Where danced the hours by,
And in the morn, as sun was born,
She did not see him fly.

Frank Disco’s way of life,
Is fast and full of fun,
But Frank would have to give it all up,
When the 80’s they did come.

The author's comments:
I wanted to write a funny poem. Here it is.

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