Shake it Off | Teen Ink

Shake it Off

August 11, 2013
By Khanadia3 GOLD, Chillicothe, Texas
Khanadia3 GOLD, Chillicothe, Texas
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Beauty to beauty.
Sadness to sadness.
Remember to revolve around
Love and happiness.
Stop crying and hurting
Because wrinkles aren't worth it.
Life is good and bad
But never let it age
Or end up as an old hag.

The author's comments:
I've learned in life that everyone makes mistakes but not everyone easily gets over them. i'm proof to say that if you don't get over your mistakes and learn from them, it'll affect you in your future. Please admit about your mistakes, learn from them, and move on because your future is a beautiful seed waiting to sprout in your direction!

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