darkness | Teen Ink


February 11, 2010
By strngrthnficti0n BRONZE, Bloomington, Illinois
strngrthnficti0n BRONZE, Bloomington, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." -friedrich nietzsche

sitting in the darkness
in the threshold of my mind
sitting in all starkness
left for no one else to find

they mostly leave me be
to rot in my own prison
there’s no such thing as “me”
i’m told each time i’ve risen

they come to me at night
and even in the day
never to another’s sight
these demons never stray

they hit me hard for blinking
they hit me when i cry
the blows get me to thinking
why do they keep me in this sty

and today i sit alone
as i have for so very long
upstairs i hear a phone
and then some sort of song

i realize it’s not a melody
it’s sirens that i hear
the sound of my delivery
i think as i shed a tear

though I know it’s not to be
they come bounding down the stairs
and i know that blade’s for me
they say that no one cares

they say world shall thank them
then they stab me as i pray
i whisper out “amen”
as i leave this world to stay

the police came in to find me
and each demon bound in chain
they see me and take pity
and then it starts to rain

i never felt the rain
always kept down in my stall
i now sit here out of pain
as i will each drop to fall

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