Shattered Heart | Teen Ink

Shattered Heart

April 30, 2024
By rachealchamberland BRONZE, Wethersfield, Connecticut
rachealchamberland BRONZE, Wethersfield, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In summer glow a girl stood tall

Her heart aflutter and rapid

She knew the moment had finally come 

Her feelings were no longer hid

Beside the oak in a parks embrace

Words unsaid, but hearts betrayed

He gazed intently at her tear-stained face

Their love did slowly fade

She spoke the words she feared to say

And he was left alone

Her world unraveling, a silent stream

And now all on her own

To help her find the strength within

She journaled away her thoughts

In pages filled with hopes and fears

Her stomach tied in knots

It was finally to move on and grow

She found ways for self-care

By slowly letting go of the past

Her heart would now repair 

And now she looked back with no regret 

She dug out of a rut

We always learn from the hard times

So listen to your gut

The author's comments:

This ballad is about a breakup resulting in the main character's self-growth, a strong adolescent girl. With parts of my life and experiences incorporated, it ends with a positive ending, a small twist to a standard ballad. For those struggling to speak up in a relationship or make a life-changing decision, this one is for you.

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