Whispers in the Moonlit Abyss: A Melody of Love's Demise | Teen Ink

Whispers in the Moonlit Abyss: A Melody of Love's Demise

December 1, 2023
By Anonymous

In a realm where shadows weep and dreams take flight, A heart-wrenching tale unfurls, bathed in sorrow's light. A soul, once ablaze, now cloaked in despair, In the moonlit abyss, a silent prayer.

Through haunted echoes and tear-stained shores, Love set sail, leaving echoes of distant roars. A ship of memories, sails tattered and torn, Their destinies entwined, a love forlorn.

With every whisper, a soulful sigh, Yet storms arose, bidding joy goodbye. A tempest's lament, in the heart's abyss, In the ocean of grief, a sinking bliss.

The ancient verses may recount, Of poignant tales and love's surmount. But in this ballad, let sorrow sing, A tale of hearts, where echoes cling.

Sing, oh muse, this mournful view, Of love that fades, in shadows true. In every line, a tear-stained sign, For emotions deep, in sorrow's keep.

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