My travels | Teen Ink

My travels

March 15, 2019
By 23gileva BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
23gileva BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my early age I would constantly visit Pittsburgh 
I remember the bright city lights and the pulsing sound of busy traffic 
My hands tightly clenched in my coat pockets 
Feeling like I’m home again 
The cool winter breeze brushes my face 
When I had frizzy hair, I went to Disney world  
All around me are billboards and people in costumes 
The roaring rollercoasters call my name 
I smell the candy air 
The sidewalk beneath me is like clouds under my feet 
Then I got taller and went to a baseball game 
My ears ring due to the loud cheering 
The smell of dirt and sweat pollutes my nose 
The ice cream in my hand begins to melt 
Middle school had started then I went to the beach 
The salty ocean calls my name 
The birds chirp to me and say hello 
I feel the grainy sand in between my toes 
I am happy as a clam 

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