How to get Accepted to Your Dream School | Teen Ink

How to get Accepted to Your Dream School

May 23, 2018
By sailorgirl22 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
sailorgirl22 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments


- A lifetime of good grades (Specifics : A’s and high B’s)
- One good ACT score (SAT could work too)
- A mound of extracurricular activities
- A dash of volunteering
- A droplet of employment
- Two to three meaningful essays
- One to three letters of recommendation
- One thoroughly completed application
- An infinite amount of hardwork, tears, and late nights
- An ocean of thank yous


1. Prepare. You are in for some very, very long nights that will consist of lots and lots of studying, highlighters, textbooks, flashcards and notebooks (they mights and a few teardrops on the pages when you are completed - that is normal, keep going).

2. After the first step you will need to perform. Good grades need to come of this.

3. If you do get a bad grade, keep going and work harder. It will pay off. You can do it.

4. You will also need a good ACT ( SAT depending on the school you want to attend) so sign up for a few of these to take and take them. Studying for these will help. If your score isn’t what you want, keep taking it. It will get there.

5. Get involved in a mound of extracurricular activities. These will help show your involvement in the school and community.

6. Next you’ll need a dash of volunteering. These hours will help show you care about things other than yourself.

7. Also, a droplet of employment cannot hurt to add in. It will show that you can work well with others and are employable.

8. After about the third year you will need to start writing your essays during the summer. Prepare to edit and re edit. These will set you apart from other applicants so make sure they show who you and and explain why you should be chosen as a student for your dream school.

9. Start asking teachers, bosses, advisors, counselors, etc. to write your recommendation letters. Make sure these are people that think highly of you and have helped you succeed throughout the last couple of years.

10. Complete your application for your dream school. Make sure to reread to to make sure your information is correct.

11. Send everything you have completed off to your dream school.

12. Wait for a letter from your school.

13. When you receive a letter: If it is bad news, know that it was just not meant to be and keep working. There are similar schools out there that are just as good and you will continue to thrive if you attend. If it is good news, congratulations. You did it. You got into your dream school. The hard work paid off.

14. Next, give out an ocean of thank yous to anyone along the way that helped you reach your goal.

15. Lastly, make sure to thank yourself. You got yourself there and you should be proud.

The author's comments:

In school we were given the task to write a poem about an uncommon recipe and I chose to write it about how to get accepted to your dream school.

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