Feeling abandoned | Teen Ink

Feeling abandoned

January 11, 2016
By IxNightWalkerxI SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
IxNightWalkerxI SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Did she really mean that much to you?

That you were even willing to leave me behind?

Couldn't you remember all the things we use to do?

I never imaged you could be so unkind.


Now I'm left feeling insecure,

Trying to remember the past,

But now I must only undure,

This feeling which is unsurpassed.


As my sorrow converted to tears,

I wondered how I could be so gullible.

At last I realized my fears,

And knew what it meant to feel susceptible.


After the tears, came envy.

Which shouldn't come as a surprise,

Because through it, there was jealousy,

And of course, my demise.


Jealousy turned into anger,

Which pushed us farther apart.

Everytime you talked to that stranger,

It mutilated my heart.


I remain here sad and alone,

Still wondering why,

As I lay prowne,

Just waiting to die.

The author's comments:

Just something that was once on my mind.

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