Let Freedom Ring | Teen Ink

Let Freedom Ring

January 20, 2009
By cutthroatxrainbows BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
cutthroatxrainbows BRONZE, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Let freedom ring
through the land of oppression
Let freedom ring
a song that you sing
Acceptance of your self fulfilling destiny
Let freedom ring
but you’ll never be free, that’s the thing
until you’re willing
to lose your legs for wings
Let freedom ring
but freedom isn’t a right
you have to fight
for what you believe
There’s got to be something to fight for
for the young and the old
the rich and the poor
So what’s your choice?
Stay trapped in a cage of your own self doubt
or have a voice
and let it ring
it’s time to fly, it’s time to sing
Let freedom ring
but only if you have the strength
to hope to dream, to fight for something more
What is it for?
And I’ll give you the key
so unlock the door
to your cage,
and it’s time to let go
of the safety of ignorance
and take your place
in the ranks of our army
Let them see your face
and know that you’re not willing to stand by
and let them take your rights away
Let freedom ring
How far are you willing to go?
to build a better world
The fight is its own reward
The flag stands tall
Don’t let it fall
America is waiting
so don’t let her down
and let

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