Discovery | Teen Ink


December 10, 2014
By Frank.v BRONZE, Darien, Illinois
Frank.v BRONZE, Darien, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It hurt when I discovered her,
She was like broken glass scattered around the ground.
But it was my actions and my curiosity got the prime of me.
I remember looking upon her and all I saw was agony.
She had this crazy look of heartache: you could feel the pain
And yet her eyes empty like a hollow tree
Like the life had been sucked out of her.
I wanted to put the broken pieces back together
I wanted her back in my life
The more I tried,
The more cuts I got putting the pieces together
The more fragile I became, but I didn’t care
I wanted to see her as if we were meeting for the first time
She was getting better.
She was put back together fully and she got up and walked out
But she didn’t help me up.
And I was stuck sitting here where I had first found her, broken
Now I felt like I had been broken
Pieces were still everywhere
I wondered if those shattered pieces were hers or mine.

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