The Cameraman | Teen Ink

The Cameraman

January 9, 2014
By varrina sims BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
varrina sims BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The cameraman needed more light
He brought his own so the room could be bright
He wanted to set the mood right
And the cameraman went flashing--flashing--
Flashing away

He wore jeans of multi-color
A shirt that could be worn by his mother
Shoes that could be worn by none other
Then his little brother

He needed a different angle
As he sat on the ladder his feet dangled
His seat resembled a girder
Across the street he witnessed a murder

As he took pictures frame by frame
He had evidence of the man who beat someone with a cane
It really didn't look humane
The cameraman was going insane flashing--flashing--
Flashing away

He wanted to go look for help
As he got off the ladder he let out a yelp
He dropped the camera with all the evidence heartfelt
He felt like he wanted to melt

The author's comments:
This piece is modeled after The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes

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