He found | Teen Ink

He found

December 19, 2012
By just_xabi BRONZE, NJ, Illinois
just_xabi BRONZE, NJ, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
a man forges his own path

And it is at you that his heart has stopped,
this butterfly-like wandering waif.
T'is by your beauty that two beats it hopped,
though reasons for reticence he kept safe.

T'was in your smile that he found his own,
withered winter blown off by your spring.
And your resounding laughs he echoed on
one gracious gift of the many that you bring.

In your tears has he shed his callous
the laggard in love that had stood so lone.
For your purity he has learned to trust
his gilded grievances and the ones he mourns.

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