Fifteen | Teen Ink


May 14, 2012
By Jessica96 SILVER, Searsport, Maine
Jessica96 SILVER, Searsport, Maine
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
People cry, not because they're weak. Its because they've been strong for too long.

Sitting on my bed on a February night
I found out about that car accident
I was speechless I thought I had lost
him. I was fifteen.

My heart was pulsating, my eyes were
tearing up, my nostrils were burning.
Sitting alone on that dark star filled night
I was fifteen.

Thinking back on what we had been through
together, and how much he did for me.
Sitting on that bed thinking of him and wondering
if I would ever see him again, I was fifteen.

The sound of the front door closing and wondering
if it was my mom, the police or my brother.
I get up and go to find out, standing in the living room
there he was. I broke down and started crying.

I stood there, fifteen.

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