Self-Satisfaction | Teen Ink


March 26, 2012
By WhenItRAINS SILVER, Loudonville, Ohio
WhenItRAINS SILVER, Loudonville, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

The way she danced.
She doesn’t have a care in the world.
She stays balanced up on her toes,
She keeps the world spinning with each swift move.
Her hair is wound tight,
It wouldn’t dare move.
Her eyes a cloudless sky.
Leotard, the red sun,
Shedding rays of glory and satisfaction with each twirl.
The audience stares intently,
And time stops.
The room is so silent
You can hear crickets.
Her smile radiated her love for what she does,
And what she’s doing.
There’s a spotlight that shines on her,
Heaven itself is showering her in light,
An angel gives her wings.
She lands back on her feet,
Applause roars.
Her lip twitches, a smile.


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