Lost Dream | Teen Ink

Lost Dream

May 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Woken from a thirty year sleep
Lost without one thought
Left in mind.
The cold bit at my face,
As I searched for a way
Out of the darkness.

I heard my name,
Constantly sung
From the one
I trusted most.
I screamed,
And screamed,
And screamed,

I climbed
To the highest point,
Of the screaming mountain.
You screamed my name,
I didn’t stop,
And when you finally
Got close enough,
I jumped.

And as I fell,
You heard me sing,
A song so sad and sweet.

I thought about what I might do
And in this my final choice,
Was to jump,
From the highest point,
Of the screaming mountain.

You met me at the bottom,
And saw your teary face.
You caught me,
As I fell into your wounded arms.

You told me that you loved me,
With your weary eyes in mine,
And then you told me:
“ This is all just reality,
You didn’t have to jump”
He said.

His teary face,
Told me the truth, of it all.
It wasn’t a dream
It’s was just reality.
This was my memory,
That I lost, so long ago.
And that memory,
Was that teary faced boy,
That caught me
As I fell into his wounded arms.

Woken from a thirty year sleep
Lost without one thought
Left in mind.
The cold bit at my face,
As I searched for a way
Out of the darkness.

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