The Way Things Used To Be | Teen Ink

The Way Things Used To Be

April 30, 2008
By Anonymous

I remember the first time he held my hand
I remember when I felt to invincible, things were so grand
I remember when we would just sit and talk
I remember how we dangled our toes over the water as we sat on the dock
I remember we use to lie on the beach
I remember how I felt that I could touch the stars if I just reached
I remember the first time we kissed
I remember all those great memories I surely miss
I remember how it was, he was my everything
I remember how I was his queen and he my king
I remember looking forward to each day
I remember waking up never wanting to feel another way
I remember how happy I was
I remember how he got bored and left just because
So now I am doing nothing but focusing on me
But I still miss the way things use to be!

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