Please Don't Leave | Teen Ink

Please Don't Leave

March 19, 2008
By Anonymous

I dream, sound in sleep
Now, it's truly deep
Out of the clouds comes a dove
Telling me you can't change love
That;s why I'll miss you forever
Leave you, I would never

So please don't leave me

And suddenly reality hits me
I hate that this is what it must be
I'm no longer dreaming
The sky is no longer dreaming
Screams and cries are heard all around
Here I am, lying by your side on the

Oh dear Lord, please don't leave me

The tears have left my eyes
And despite their tries
You won't wake
But please do, for God's sake
I can't accept that you're gone forever
So now I'm crying more than ever

Even though you have already left,
All I can think is
Please, don't leave me

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