Fear Resides in the Hearts of the Wicked | Teen Ink

Fear Resides in the Hearts of the Wicked

June 7, 2011
By PassionFruit SILVER, Templeton, California
PassionFruit SILVER, Templeton, California
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Fear resides in the hearts of the wicked,
It is he whose son is their hate.
He is the one who preys on the timid,
Whose lies of danger control their fate
Fear on his son sit on mighty thrones
Feasting like kings on jealousy and pain
Laughing maliciously, burning down homes
Their spite leaving ashes to fade with the rain
How ironic, that Fear is someone to fear,
Escaping his taint is a fantastic feat.
Admire those who don't let him near,
And pity those who accepted defeat.
Do not let yourself be invaded by fear,
For his claw-like hands blacken even the pure
Evade his grasp and keep your mind clear,
And your heart full of Love, the only known cure.

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