Red Pen | Teen Ink

Red Pen

June 6, 2011
By soletsdance GOLD, Hoopeston, Illinois
soletsdance GOLD, Hoopeston, Illinois
15 articles 16 photos 94 comments

Afraid of the red pen
The marks on the paper
It's silly I'm fearing
That tiny red saber

Afraid of the red pen
I turned in my homework
The ink will be catching
In scarlet my prized murk

Afraid of the red pen
So I won't even look
Guess I can't take criticism
I've ditched my notebook

Afraid of the red pen
But pick up I must
The essay by my bed
Corrections in dust

Afraid of the red pen
But all that it said
was "Good work" and "Revise"
Those not-so-wicked marks of red

The author's comments:
Why DO teachers use that horrible inky red saber. xP

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on Sep. 1 2011 at 4:41 pm
DragonBreath_94 BRONZE, Hoopeston, Illinois
4 articles 31 photos 60 comments

Favorite Quote:
A girl needs to be so lost in God a guy has to seek Him to find her.

"I claim you in the name of the Shadow Ninja."

"I love you from the depths of my black soul."

"I just fell in love with you all over again!"

That's awesome! And so true...