Alas They Did Not Speak | Teen Ink

Alas They Did Not Speak

April 20, 2011
By skittless2440 BRONZE, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
skittless2440 BRONZE, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you want to see in the world."

I looked to the stars hoping they would tell me sunrise wasn’t too far away
Hoping they’d tell me that tomorrow will be brighter than today
Alas they did not speak
Their silence filled my room with more questions neither of us could answer
So I pondered what they asked and what they could not answer
I searched and searched until I came up short
Only to realize, No matter how hard you wish on a shooting star you’re still going to be who you are.

The author's comments:
Comments are apperciated negative and positive : )


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