Here Beside Me | Teen Ink

Here Beside Me

March 9, 2011
By Amemary BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
Amemary BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If I had to choose her or the sun I&#039;d be one nocturnal son of a gun&quot;,<br /> &quot;I think you&#039;re really honest, but sometimes honesty isn&#039;t the best policy&quot;,<br /> &quot;Geo Geo Geo..dude rock out&quot;

My room is getting colder and lonely is my bed,
Come lay your body next to mine and rest your tired head.
Don't think about your own exposure,
Just hold my hand without composure.
I won't judge the way your muscles tense,
Because I know it's just defense.
Never again will you be bruised,
I'll kiss you when you look confused.
I need the warmth your arms create,
So hold me tight and lets tempt fate.

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