Tools of the Trade | Teen Ink

Tools of the Trade

June 2, 2010
By crubs33 DIAMOND, Lido Beach, New York
crubs33 DIAMOND, Lido Beach, New York
58 articles 3 photos 750 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud."- Coco Chanel
Life isn't about surviving the storm, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

The beggars cove,
The bakers stove,
The ax of ho and hum,
The pirates bird,
And writers word,
And thumbs of tweedledum.

The witchs broom,
The owls moon,
Combined create a spell,
The divers mask,
Assasins task,
The greeting cards farewell.

With all these tools,
Of trades of fools,
Why lost does buyer be,
For o so many,
Things to buy,
So many things to see!

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