what to do | Teen Ink

what to do

January 20, 2010
By cherkish18 GOLD, Wildwood, Florida
cherkish18 GOLD, Wildwood, Florida
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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you can either love me or hate me either way i don't care.

What ot do?
Do you love him,
Do you love her,
Did you kill them,
Did you kill yourself,
Have you swung first.
Have you sat back and watched,
There's so many other questions that I can write down!
But I don't
Everyone at some point in their life
It does not matter what type of question that you ask
Or when you ask the question,
It is that you understand why you are asking that question!
And that you are asking because of you and not because of anybody else.
So who do you ask?
And why do you ask them,
Do they know the answer
Or is it because they will tell you what you wnat to hear!
Do you wanna know the truth? !
Or are so scared
With your tail tuck behind you running away from the truth
Why are you even running,
If you don't get the truth
You are then living in an imagenary world.
By hiding from the truth,
You then do not know which person is being real,
And who just plain out being a fake and flake.
You are human!
Just like everyone else
I see the truth
They see the truth
Why, are you running from the truth.
Stand and fight
Fight for the truth, but fight for you
Fight cause you want to.
Don't fight because they had egged you on,
Don't fight cause somebody wants you to!
Fight for you
So I think here's my question.
Do you ask,
Who do you ask,
Why and is it for you.
So what do you do! ! !

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