A Child's Pledge to Her Country | Teen Ink

A Child's Pledge to Her Country

July 14, 2009
By Ashley Tanberg BRONZE, Apple Valley, Minnesota
Ashley Tanberg BRONZE, Apple Valley, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I pledge allegiance to the Flag...
if the Cosmic Carpenter, the Son of God
joined hands in a civil marriage with
...the Republic

of Darwin, God, Allah, Buddha,

and Me.

Under the soft whispers of a golden Oak Tree

with its winter buds, broken, battered, and scaly

We would be
one Nation under...


With liberty and justice for...

all backgrounds, genders, and preferences.

Imagine life without discrimination.
I’m curious to know just how divine it would be,
You and me underneath that Oak Tree...?
Standing for a pledge of equality.

The author's comments:
I believe that religion can be a beautiful and powerful thing. However, if we can't accept each other's differences, then we lose the beauty of religion and its purpose of eternal peace.

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