Time | Teen Ink


April 5, 2024
By NazliB BRONZE, Queens Village, New York
NazliB BRONZE, Queens Village, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Coming of Age Story: The Death of My Dog

     Something shifted in the quiet peace of the night, breaking the normal routine. Tokyo, the beloved Siberian Husky, suffered a sudden weakness that left him defenseless and shaking with terror. My parents and I were called to his pain, and we were all crying as we tried to process the abrupt change in circumstances. Our hearts full with fear, we raced from Tokyo to the veterinarian deep on Long Island, holding onto hope despite the dark clouds of doubt.

     As we arrived at the veterinarian clinic, Tokyo's condition became extremely clear.  His paralysis was too severe to offer any hope of recovery, therefore the prognosis was grave. Our options narrowed as we faced the difficult decisions that lay ahead: expensive procedures with very little chance of recovery, or the heartbreaking choice to let him go. Every possibility was a sobering reminder of both the fleeting nature of life and the intensity of our affection for our beloved friend. Taking the car journey home on the way back. We're all in a panic, unsure of what to do, so I kept calling my sister, nagging her until she answered. When she did, she eventually answered and drove home. All I can recall is that when I told her the horrible news over the phone to her, all you could hear in her voice was grief as she sobbed. She fled to us. How was all I could think of. Why? He was just a baby at the time. This was not fair to him. He was so innocent and pure. He was deserving of a long and prosperous life. My heart broke for him. That day, I felt so many different things; emotions and heartbreak I’ve never felt before. 

     When we got back home, Tokyo's presence overshadowed the anxious household. His inability to move freely and enjoy life's small pleasures was a painful reminder of our great loss. Tokyo's pain persisted even after we made an effort to comfort and support him; his eyes revealed a profound sadness that mirrored our own loss. 

     A spark of hope arose among our grief: Tokyo Jr., a new member of our family. Our wounded hearts were renewed by his tremendous energy and unshakable compassion, even though his entrance sparked conflicting feelings of acceptance and shame. Tokyo Jr. turned into a ray of hope, a memorial to the continuing strength of love and fortitude in the face of tragedy, even if Tokyo's memory would always be engraved in our hearts.

     We took comfort in the priceless times we spent with our new friend as the days stretched into weeks and the pain of Tokyo's absence faded into bittersweet memories. The laughter and happiness that once again filled our home was a memorial to Tokyo's spirit, demonstrating the enduring relationship that exists between people and their cherished pets. Even though Tokyo was no longer physically present, his memory continued to serve as a beacon of hope, a reminder to savor every moment and cling to the people we care about.

What Makes You Dominican? 

What makes you Dominican? 

Is it the color of your skin? 

Is it the language we speak? 

Or is it the fact that we were born in the Dominican Republic? 

No! What truly makes you a Dominican is how you cherish this fact. 

Just think about it. 

The palm trees drowning my bright light, 

the sand as white as the snow that doesn’t fall. 

The children the color of my earth, 

the smooth waves that sing you to sleep, 

and the merengue right down the street.

Is when you think about the little details and if your heart starts to dance; is when you truly are a Dominican.  

The author's comments:

Dear TeenInk, 

Please consider my Me Portfolio “Time” for publication. 

Nazli B. is a student at East-West School of International Studies. She was born on September 6th, 2006, which makes her a Virgo and an early 2000s baby. She was born and raised in Queens, New York. She comes from a Hispanic and South Asian heritage. She studied at St.Leo’s Catholic Academy throughout her elementary years and then moved to study at East-West School of International Studies from middle school to high school. She is now a senior in high school, soon to be a high-school graduate who plans to attend college to pursue a career in radiology. She plans on studying abroad in Europe throughout college. Nazli can speak two fluent languages; Spanish and English. Nazli loves to romanticize her life. She loves everything pumpkin. Her favorite seasons are fall and winter. Her favorite kind of clothing to wear are sweats and hoodies. She’s a huge sneakerhead. She is a gym and self-care girl. She enjoys binge watching tv-shows/movies such as Harry Potter, Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, Suits, etc. She loves romance movies and is a lover girl herself. She loves Asian and Spanish food. She loves to dance and has attended various types of dancing classes, piano, violin, and ukulele classes throughout her childhood. She loves European culture and one day hopes to learn one or both of these two languages: Albanian or Arabic. She likes to listen to almost any kind of genre of music. She deeply despises all kinds of bugs or insects.

Nazli dreams of one day becoming wealthy, successful, and dreams to travel all across Europe. She one day hopes she can settle in and have a long lasting family of her own. Nazli has two siblings, one older brother who lives in Boston, the oldest sister who recently moved nearby. This leaves Nazli to be the youngest child in the family, which makes her the most spoiled and the princess to her parents. She lives with both her mom and dad, and sister, and has a pet dog (Siberian Husky) who is now 4 months old in Queens, New York. 

Thank you for considering my submission; I welcome your feedback. 


Nazli B.

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