Why Me? | Teen Ink

Why Me?

December 20, 2023
By Aright BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Aright BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."

Anxiety keeps me in a bubble

I could really never stay out of trouble

Never did anything wrong but yet I'm the devil

According to my family I'm such a rebel

Suck up all my feelings tuck em in my pocket like a pebble

If my emotions are to blame then I'm not surprised

thought I had it under control but maybe I lied

I fell into my own doom

Locked up in my own room

I saw it coming but I didn't expect it

I felt the feelings but I couldn't project it

Now I'm stuck in the dark forced to reflect it

But my actions are just fractions from the many parts of me that were blackened

Gotta find the freedom I'm lacking

All this procrastination got me slacking

So much stress that it's so nerve wracking

Been hiding so much stuff I feel like I'm quarterbacking

I'm sidetracking, this stuff is so distracting

My every breathe is seen as a weapon

Why won't someone step in?

Maybe I'm destructive, unconstructive

Need someone to see me, not what they see

I need someone to be me, I'm going crazy

My therapist said we'll see, but will we?

Come on I mean really?

It's killing me

I won't become her, not my mother, anyone other

Every hour is another, look at the clock and continue to suffer

Keep fighting I feel like I'm getting tougher

But it's not enough, I'm not enough

Yeah I got it rough, I Won't lie

Some days I wake up begging I won't die

I have to shut myself down and comply

But I gotta try, my life isn't just one hell of a story

It's my glory

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