Declaration of Independence from The Fear Of Hatred. | Teen Ink

Declaration of Independence from The Fear Of Hatred.

October 19, 2023
By Anonymous

If you have sentience, you have experienced hatred. A wretched feeling of intense dislike. Like the injection of venom, it holds onto the skin with vigor. The initial stab sharp, but dull compared to the lingering seeping of venom under the skin. The coals of hatred forever fanned letting it burn and consume life. Hatred is a fire that shall never be extinguished. But we can control the fear of it.

The fear of hatred is the ash and soot flying in our air. We blame the wind for carrying the ash to us. Yet we are the ones who pump air from our lungs to power fear.

This fear contains us in our abilities of what could be. We cling to it like it comes to nurture us. While it nails our backs to a wall of restraint. We have the choice, the power, the strength to step away from this entity. But first we must turn around a look at what we are being held back from.

The blaring fear of hatred blocks out the opportunity of expression like a harsh ray on the oasis in the desert of our fear.

Claims our minds from risking progression in ourselves and those around us. Forcing us into conformation of the Majority’s liking.

Shadows the soul from ever achieving true joy, hovering over us like a willow tree. This fear keeps us from the essential vitamins of enjoyment.

The Freedom of Calamity, keeping us in an ever vigilant state of mind turning over our shoulders wondering which step will lead to our fall to hatred.

This fear rumbles in the soil as we push towards any change. The plow will be stopped due to already having something established that is not hated.

When looking into hatred many of us have already given up on the hope of stopping it from burning. But when facing fear on the ports we have the chance to set sail towards calming waters. No longer will we be confined to the Islands of acceptance but have the ability to navigate the wonders of the deep ocean of ourselves. Forever will the fire of Hatred burn but let us learn to sit with it, fearless.

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