Just Think About It | Teen Ink

Just Think About It

March 30, 2023
By Abbyroepke321 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Abbyroepke321 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's depressing
Sea levels are rising, oceans are warming, it's getting hotter, and glaciers are melting
All destroying animals' homes
Soon destroying us too
Climate change is like a war
It's a fight that we are struggling to win
Many obstacles in the way
We are trying our best
But are we really?
Just think about it

One simple little thing like recycling can help
So many other things we can do to help
But are we doing them?
There isn't a yes or no answer to this question
Some people care, so its a yes
Some people don't care, so its a no
Maybe half of you are thinking right now that you do care
You do care if our earth has an increase in heatwaves
You do care if our water resources decrease
You do care if we get heavier precipitation
But what are you doing to prevent it?
Just think about it

And the other half of you are probably thinking you couldn't care less
I can't convince you to care
Or to do something about it
But I'm curious
Do you really don't care about your own health?
Your family’s health?
Maybe you didn’t think about it
Maybe you didn't know that this can affect your life
That it can affect your health
Just think about it

The author's comments:

I'm A student in Minnesota who is a freshman in high school and wrote this poem for my communications class. 

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