A Ceaseless, Eternal Grief | Teen Ink

A Ceaseless, Eternal Grief

December 6, 2022
By rilynjay SILVER, Alamo, Georgia
rilynjay SILVER, Alamo, Georgia
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We bereaved-

Loved our child since she was conceived. 

Doctors declare she was diseased. 

We sneezed and she was seized. 

It’s hard to breathe; I don’t know if I can proceed. 

They say I need to grieve. 

It’s just too hard to believe. 

Cancer is a thief. 

I have only one thing- a guarantee that she received peace. 

Forever will l squeeze, that her pain was eased. 

Carmen is free, indeed.

The author's comments:

My oldest cousin Carmen, passed away at age 26 after a long battle with cancer. I wrote this poem in honor of her. 

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