A-Z Advice | Teen Ink

A-Z Advice

November 2, 2019
By Friederichs20 BRONZE, Avon, Minnesota
Friederichs20 BRONZE, Avon, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A-Z Advice

A - Always have a good attitude.

B - Be Respectful. 

C - Caring about other people is a great trait to have.

D - Don´t do anything stupid.

E-Education is very important.

F - Failing is a life lesson.

G - Grades determined how well you are doing in school.

H - Higher you go in life the more opportunity that can occur.

I - Interesting things can happen everywhere you go.

J - Just laughing can set you to a great start in your day.

K - Kindness is always good to have.

L - Looking at your best every day is how people are going to notice you.

M - Music is the key to reach for the stars.

N - Naughty people get punished for their mistakes.

O - Opportunity is endless

P - Politeness is a great factor to have.

Q - Quickly get ahead of the game.

R - Running every day is a great exercise.

S - Smiling is the key to win somebody day.

T - Trust in people that will trust you back.

U - Unique is a quality that is alright to have.

V - Very weird is not ok to have.

W - Watch your back always.

X - X-infinity is the way to go.

Y - YMCA is a great place to swim.

Z - Zeppelins can be very dangerous.

The author's comments:

I decided to write a piece of advice for the alphabet. 

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