I Saw It With My Own Eyes | Teen Ink

I Saw It With My Own Eyes

March 17, 2019
By L1E2K3 BRONZE, Porter Ranch, California
L1E2K3 BRONZE, Porter Ranch, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I saw it with my own eyes

The way everyone bends

To please their “friends”

Their values slain

So these friends remain

I see it with my own eyes

I heard it with my own ears

How the people we trust

Spontaneously combust

To spread secrets and rumors

To appease their consumers

I hear it with my own ears

I felt it in my own heart

Why must this occur—

Trading what we were

And to the pressure we yield

Becoming a fortress that shields

I feel it with my own heart

I knew it in my own soul

When I decided to never allow

To never bend nor bow

Because to build a wall and hide

Is safer than showing what lays inside

I know it in my own soul

I see it with my own eyes

I hear it with my own ears

I feel it in my own heart

I know it in my own soul

I saw it with my own eyes

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