HAIRS | Teen Ink


October 29, 2018
By 9hassler SILVER, Colgate, Wisconsin
9hassler SILVER, Colgate, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The stunt makes the other stunts scared. We work together with our different jobs. I am the backspot of the group, like the beanstalk. The tallest of the four, and the leader. The shortest is Kaylin, a little bean. She can fold herself like a pretzel. Abby and Lauren work the same job. Abby is the main base which means she keeps her hands held high. Lauren is the secondary base, so she holds the foot like a hamburger. When we don’t work together, the stunt crumbles. When we drop a stunt, its burpee back handsprings or burpee back tucks for us to be able to “learn” from our mistakes. At practice, the coaches are like devils. That's why we’ve learned to hit our stunt like pros to get out of conditioning.

The author's comments:

This piece explains a lot about the duties of an all-star cheerleading stunt group.

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