Our Garden | Teen Ink

Our Garden

December 17, 2013
By LizzieJean BRONZE, Syracuse, New York
LizzieJean BRONZE, Syracuse, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You know what I think? I think that if a young woman doesn't engage in the act of occasionally wishing on a star or a flower or a birthday cake full of candles, then we're forfeiting one of the sweetest whimsies of our youth.” - Robin Jones Gunn

The big thing on everybody's mind is Love. Everyone wants to have a special someone so their heart can be filled with love. People want this so badly that they are desperate for anyone to 'love' them. Doing this all of the time will eventually hurt your heart.

Our hearts are special and sacred. They are not meant to be completely open and free to any guy or girl who shows interest.

Our hearts are meant for one special girl or guy to come and see.

I like to think of our hearts as a garden. It is very beautiful with many things to see and discover. Many people want to come into this garden, but they take things from it so we put a lock on our garden. Sometimes we try to unlock the garden for someone. We try and try until we break into the garden. We break into our heart and let someone in. But since you had to break into the garden, it begins to break and the person leaves your heart sad and empty.

The only way to truly let someone into the garden is to unlock it with the key. The guy or girl doesn't have it and neither do you. God has the key.

God knows we make mistakes so he holds onto our heart's key until a very special person comes along. Once that person comes he will unlock our garden and let the special person inside, to see and discover all of the wonders of the garden.

Do not break into your garden to let someone in. God knows who the right person to let in is. All we have to do is wait for God to unlock our garden, our heart.

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