In My Humble Opinion | Teen Ink

In My Humble Opinion

November 30, 2013
By Purplerebelgirl13 GOLD, Toronto, Other
Purplerebelgirl13 GOLD, Toronto, Other
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In My Humble Opinion
Being confined by society is one thing, but when people are confined by their religion I don’t get it. I know its their ethnic responsibility but who is to tell you who to live your life. Who is to tell you how to dress and how to act? It’s who you arte and you have full control of what kind of person you are, correction, you should have full control.
Let me paint you a picture. When the world was being created by “god” this figure so many look up too yet know nothing about, and have no material proof of. Yet he/she had the power to decide which race was dominant, they decide which sex was the stronger and wiser. They decided how you live your life. Since this was billions of years ago why don’t you ask yourself if you agree with all the stereotypes and racial blocks put up by this supposed creature of peace. I don’t know about you but that puzzles me, why this mighty person wanted humanity to suffer and for people to
No matter what your religion is, my belief is that there’s no god watching us. There’s no person watching your decisions and criticizing them. It’s only you and how you think you should act. It’s about personally how you see yourself. It’s a choice to believe in it, but in your worst moments, ask yourself if you think some magically over lord is going to come say you from death or heartbreak or loneliness.
When your religion or belief confines what you wear or who to talk to, I believe it affects your whole life. What you wear shouldn’t matter, but in this day and age it does. When people wear certain clothing or have a certain belief it could cut them off from people or places in the community. Why should your religion say whose a good friend, who’s a good person, who’s a good teacher, who’s trustworthy? We shouldn’t let it change our everyday choices.
But when you think about it, which’s fault is it really. You don’t as a toddler decide your religion. It’s all the parents. The kids of every generation in time and all puppets, miniature copies of their parents. They think the same and have similar beliefs. This lets children grown up in a world where they fear people or avoid people for religious reasons they might not even agree with.
I believe once you are 13 or 14 you should have control over what religion you want to have. Even if that choice is different from your parents, who cares? If your dad likes the colour blue does that mean you do too? Religion is slowly becoming less and less prominent in our society. I think that’s because people are realizing all the more important things to worry about in life. If you want to be controlled and brainwashed be my guest. But in my humble opinion, be your own person and make decisions because that’s how you want to be perceived. Not because there’s some god criticizing you. Be you?

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