The number one question(s) | Teen Ink

The number one question(s)

October 17, 2013
By Anonymous

So just about everytime you read or hear someones opinion, you can find somthing to disagree with, right? Why is that, why does everyone always look to prove themselves?

So I believe thata experiences shape a person, yes there are some genetics (i.e I dont think Micheal Mayers became a serial killer watching cartoons, he was born that way) Anyway, everyone has there own opinion due to prior experiences and their perspective of the world. Because of this everyone really is different in their own way, you can hear the same song the same amount of time the girl beside you did but she maybe took a differnt veiw on the lyrics. therefore changing her perspetive.

And the question why does everyone want to prove themselves. Why throughout history have leaders craved power and killed at the sake of being right? Why do we go to war to prove a differnce. It's all the same power hungry, in fact its even in animals, leaders of the packs for wolves, dogs, and lions. Why is this engraved in our systems, what do living things acomplish from power?

We have walked on the moon, made a bomb, make money, but what have we really accomplished. I can't answer any of the these questions but maybe when someone can, we might start getting somewhere.

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