Rant About Religion | Teen Ink

Rant About Religion

May 21, 2013
By Anonymous

I don’t believe in God because I don’t have a religion. I am very controversial and confused about this topic so bare with me. I was never taught all of that religious stuff so I really don’t even know what or who God and Jesus, virgin Mary or whoever those other people are. Is Jesus like God’s brother or uncle or something? I really don’t know. I just think that people who have a religion and they revolve their whole life around it are wasting so much time. No offense but God can’t help you in an economic crisis, He is not going to hand you a million dollars just because you pray to him. I think it is wrong to let kids drink wine when they are little because of the “communion” excuse. I don’t care if God told them to drink it, they are minors and alcohol can ruin their brain cells and it is bad for their health, and then alcohol is just a problem waiting to happen in their future. I know there are lots of different beliefs out there, I’m not necessarily atheist, I just Have different opinions.

There is no proof of God, I think it’s all in peoples’ heads. Nobody has ever been able to ‘see’ God before. Even priests don’t know everything about the religion they are supposed to be experts on. I bet they don’t know why half of the things are the way they are. All of those stories of people who have had near death experiences and were able to see God are probably just made up. Just because people prayed for you when you were about to die and you lived, that doesn’t mean God saved you. God did not save you, your body was just able to recover. It’s simple science and advantages of technology, people who study the anatomy of the human body should clarify that to everyone.

Also, if you were to die, nobody has proof that there is heaven or hell, and there is no proof that you get reincarnated. When you die, I believe nothing happens, you cant see, so you see nothing, possibly just black. People need to understand that praying isn’t going to make your life better. I think that believing in a God (or the ‘ruling’ figure to your religion) Can be unhealthy for some people, it can become a gateway to insanity. People can start hearing voices in their heads or commit a morally bad crime and use the excuse “God told me it was the right thing to do.” I know a lot of people get offended when I say “Oh my God” because it is using God’s name in a bad way, but I really don’t see a problem with saying an invisible persons name in a bad situation. Also I really hate it when people say “God kills the people he hates” “God hates you, so you will die soon.” or something of that general sort.

First of all you’re accusing ‘God’ of being a murderer, so why do you look up to him? Second of all, God isn’t real so he can’t hate anyone, even if he is real, he is supposed to love everyone because we are all his children. Remember? Also I really don’t understand why people are always saying “Jesus died for us.” I was told he was hung on a cross so he really didn’t have a choice of whether he wanted to live or not. Also, I am really confused about the whole connection between Jesus and God. I learned that Mary gave birth to Jesus but she was a virgin? Apparently Jesus was a gift from God or something. And Jesus was Jewish, but he was born on December 25th and that became a Christian/Catholic holiday. That makes no sense. Moving on to another category; people think God put people on Earth. Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth (according to religious views).

First of all, that is one of the most weird thoughts ever. God is just supposed to be guarding over the Earth but Is he one person or just like a huge invisible forcefield type ghost, hovering around the Earth? Back to Adam and Eve, Humans descend from monkeys/apes, and now suddenly before any life appeared on earth (dinosaurs, cavemen, etc.) Adam and Eve just magically show up. There were no apes for them to descend from, and if there were there would be a lot more humans than just Adam and Eve. After that, Eve eats a poisonous apple because a snake told her to (totally real, snakes talk.) And then the whole world starts to crumble and they die. 1,000 years later the world is covered in cavemen. That makes a lot of sense considering Adam and Eve died and there was no other humans to reproduce all of these cavemen.

Also, was God just a regular person floating in space who decided to create Earth, or how was the idea of God created? No one knows how the idea of God started. Even if you asked a priest or someone in the high religion rank, they probably would have a hard time answering the question. Recently, I noticed that people with certain religions act differently than others in public. Now, I’m not picking on Mormons, but when they are in public they expect people around them to be adjusted to them. For example: If a mormon enters a room full of people of any religion the mormon expects everybody to not swear, or say ‘God’, or drink alcohol. I don’t really know how to explain what I was trying to say, but that was as close as I could get without seriously offending anyone. There is more than I can even explain, but those are my basic thoughts.

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