Mental Illnesses Need Serious Attention | Teen Ink

Mental Illnesses Need Serious Attention

January 8, 2016
By Anonymous

A girl is sitting through a doctor appointment as her mother and a Doctor speak of her ADHD and depression. “Maybe, we should give the medication another day then try and see if anything change, Until then make sure she takes two of each pill a day.” Nearly one in two people in the US. will suffer from mental health problems. Mental Illnesses are not taken seriously. It’s the biggest unmet needs in our time, young people and adults are given meds to take everyday, is that the only thing that’ll help Mental Illnesses. I think ‘no’, we need to make a difference and step up.

90% of cases among suicide ranks of the top 15 most common killers in the US. (in the top 3 among young people), can be attributed to Mental Illnesses (Editors ). Not only does mental health problem lead to Killers to committing suicide, but other people are driven to committing suicide when they feel as if their problem is hopeless or feel as if things will never become better. Of spouses killing their spouses  is 12.3%, of children killed by their parent is 15.8%, and of siblings killed by their sibling is 17.3, of parents killed by children is 25.1 percent. All of defendants had a history of untreated illness (Administrator ). Do not ignore mental health problems, it may be sound like a little problem but it can hurt people. It needs to be treated. Most but not all people who have Mental Illnesses commit suicide, the most commonly mental illnesses that may cause a person to commit suicide if they aren’t treated are Depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia, additionally mental illnesses also includes substance abuse disorders (15 Common Causes Of Suicide: Why Do P...). Common disorders, doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect people as badly as rare disorders, and not all can figure out that a family member or themselves have a disorder. some doesn’t even recognize it in their family members at all. Mental health problems does not only cause people to commit suicide or murder somebody, but it can do a lot more.

People with mental health problems are judged unfairly, and are misunderstood everyday in school, and public areas. Beliefs that self-reliance, and hard work are the key to success show a greater tendency to blame people  with mental illness for their disease. These stigmatizing attitudes “Represents a barrier to treatment seeking.” Bodenhausen says. “Understanding how to remove this barrier may help with mental illness get effective treatment.” (Nicolas Rüsch, Andrew Todd, Galen Bod...)Mental illnesses are upon as ignorant, causing people who need to be treated to back out and not trust others. Stigma is extremely commonplace in our culture. While blatant kinds of racism, and sexism has declined in recent time, stigma against mental illnesses seems to be increasing (Nicolas Rüsch, Andrew Todd, Galen Bod...).  People judge mental illnesses some may not know it but their carefully watching their actions when their around you, constantly hoping you won’t have a panic attack. They’re treated as if they don’t understand, but all of this is caused by judgment.People with mental illnesses had lower measures of just world belief for self than did people without mental illnesses, according to study (Nicolas Rüsch, Andrew Todd, Galen Bod...). People with mental illnesses are judge so much that some at one point can not respect themselves, and think as if they are in the lower class among us. They shouldn’t feel like they are less than what we are.

Most people don’t realize how common mental health problems are, just as there are many physical illnesses. Nearly all americans will be affected by mental health problems. 90% of people who have a substance use disorder do not get the treatment they need (Why You Should Care About Mental Heal...). Mental illnesses are thrown away as if it’s a minor problem, which isn’t true at all. Mental health problems causes serious problems. There’s a myth that people with mental illnesses cannot recover once they develop it, but studies proves wrong, The study shows that people with Mental health problems can get better and many has recover before (ASPA 2013) Seeing that people think that mental illnesses can never recover, sends me a message that some people do not care or try hard enough to help somebody with the problems. Mental illnesses are more common than cancer, diabetes, or heart disease(Why You Should Care About Mental Heal...). Nobody thinks about mental illnesses much, they think about physical health more, but it’s just as important. Somebody should step up, maybe they can change a way to at least change some people's minds about mental illnesses.

Some may say that people with mental illnesses can snap out of it or control their disorder, or that taking a pill is all they have to do. Well, I would disagree because taking a pill could do so little, and if people could snap in and out of mental illnesses. I don't think there’d be a problem with it. People also say that people with mental health issues are different and stupid. I would say, That it isn’t true, because mental illnesses does not make anyone ignorant it just causes problems that needs to be treated. “Oh so if they aren’t stupid then they’re dangerous , right?” No, Just cause most murders have mental illnesses does not mean that all are dangerous. if people could step up and give better treatment Maybe people would understand.

Mental Illnesses have to be treated, if not treated the problems will get worst, meds are not always the answer. If we don’t get treated. People would still judge, more people will commit suicide,we’ll feel little, we’ll feel as if it’s us against the world. You say all we need is a few pills. Well, that’s not gonna work. Our needs are unmet. We need to be treated right, and i think now is the time.

The author's comments:

Mental Illness is really important to me.

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