A Letter To All Who Support a Happier Planet | Teen Ink

A Letter To All Who Support a Happier Planet

May 31, 2015
By geenawhit BRONZE, Ashland, Massachusetts
geenawhit BRONZE, Ashland, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I am superior to half the people reading this. I am superior because of my genes. I think all who are inferior to me should devote their entire lives to making my life more pleasant. Sound familiar?

For thousands of years men have discriminated against women. They have oppressed them because they were somehow thought to be the weaker sex. Well, they thought wrong. Women are the superior sex. Women should hold all the authority and power in this world and all men should be enslaved. Sound a bit extreme? Allow me to explain:

The original sex was female. The most primitive forms of life, photosynthesizing bacteria, were all genderless. The mother cell would give birth to an infinite amount of daughter cells. These organisms have lasted billions of years without a second gender to tell them when it's ok to speak or when to go clean the kitchen. That damn Y chromosome is what makes men inferior to women (and also what makes them so unaccepting of their inferiority). The SRY gene on the Y chromosome activates many physical changes in the fetus that leads to utter inferiority. First, this gene takes away the human's ability to give life. Now, I'm not saying that the sole purpose of life to make tons of little babies (despite what any bigoted male might say). The point is that a woman's body is built to support two lives instead of one. So we are more sturdy, more adaptable. Also, this gene bathes the fetus' brain in testosterone. This burst of T, along with excessive exposure to it from their entire lives makes them naturally aggressive and violent. How many wars can you think of that were started by women? How many bigoted politicians can you think of that are women? Our calmer disposition gives us the patience to settle differences before we whip out the nukes. (Pun intended).

So it's about time we take hold of our rightful place on the throne of the world. No longer will we tolerate being expected to be “domestic goddesses”. We will turn our husbands, friends, neighbors (who were pretty much useless anyway) into “domestic gods”. We will refuse to marry men who don't have a six pack. We will refuse to marry men who don't know how to make a damn good martini. All men who don't have perfect complexion, perfect hair, perfect bodies will be ostracized. Their sole purposes will be to cook, to clean, and to provide the sperm.

What's that you say? They want to have real lives? They want equal access to education, voting rights, and human rights? They want to be in control of their own lives and be considered equal to women? Well TOO BAD. Remember, they're genetically inferior. They simply don't deserve to be considered equal.

Yes, all of the afore mentioned is absurd.

So is the systematic discrimination that has plagued women since the beginning of civilization. Neither gender is superior. We share ~99.7% of the same DNA. Males and females both have strengths and weaknesses. The point is that the only way that there can be cooperation and harmony between the genders (which has infinite benefits) is if they are treated equally. And this change does not start with government, or laws, or foundations. It begins with the people. Society must actively change and acknowledge what it believes each gender is capable of. If we all believe in the untapped power of women, and equality between genders, then change will follow.


However, I would still never marry a man who doesn't know how to make a damn good martini.

    Signed, A Woman Who Isn't Defined By Her Chromosomes

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